Sunday, October 11, 2015

Borneo oil

Rights trading on 13 oct. One free warrant for two subscribe rights. Rights trading below 0.07 is good pick. Low exercise price and high volume counter. Time to pick up some shares.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Alam Jaya Commercial Center

Latest interesting place to invest.

Alam Jaya Commercial Center.

UOB opened
OCBC (Coming Soon)
Maybank, Public Bank (Negotiation)
Secret Recipe Opened
Econsave Opened
Pappa Rich (Negotiation)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hektar Reit

Buying 3000 units Hektar Reit at RM 1.06 per unit.
Use leveraging, return 18% based on
Public Bank share margin BLR - 1.00%
Hektar Gross dividend 10.2 cents.
Intend to purchase 300000 units in 2 years.
Then sell all and use the money to purchase another shop.
Good luck.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam barred from UMNO election

Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam has been found guilty of breaching the party’s campaign rules and would not be allowed to contest the Umno deputy presidency next week.

Wait to see if Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam will join Pakatan Rakyat. Melaka and Negeri Sembilan will down if there is defection.

How Najib can become Prime Minister if most of the developed state fall into Pakatan Rakyat.

Total overhaul of Malaysia politics is needed.

We want clean leaders and not corrupted leaders.

We know who is clean and who is corrupted.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Everything stop

Suddenly everything stop.

Bank stop loan.

Order for factories stop.

Developer has no sales.

People stop purchasing.

Donno when it will end.

Hope it end fast.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Different between value and price

Price is the matching between supply and demand.

Value is the fair price of the item.

Most of the time, price and value do not match.

When economy is good, price always shoot higher than value.

When economy is bad, price always drop below value.

When we buy, we see price.

But when we want to get cheap items, go for value buy.

CNBC .com

As a new year approaches, it is customary for journalists to make predictions about the future. This time around, has a collection of prognostications from CNBC bloggers on a special page: Predictions '09.

Last year around this time, Warren Buffett Watch offered its Eight Predictions for '08 .. and Beyond.

In keeping with Buffett's long-term way of looking at things, the eight predictions were intentionally on the 'timeless' side of the predicting spectrum.

Here they are again, with a little bit of editing. This could be the start of a new holiday tradition!


Warren Buffett became one of the wealthiest people in the world by making predictions and putting money behind those predictions. Every time he buys a stock or a business or some other investment, he's forecasting the future.

Judging by the incredible returns of his holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffett and his colleagues are very good at making those predictions.

Of course, it helps when you can give your predictions plenty of time to come true. That's one reason Buffett's favorite holding period for investments in "outstanding businesses with outstanding managements" is "forever." After all, "We don't get paid for activity, just for being right. As to how long we'll wait, we'll wait indefinitely."

With that in mind, here are Warren Buffett Watch's 'timeless' predictions.

1. Recessions can't be avoided forever. As 2007 was coming to a close, Buffett told our Becky Quick that if unemployment picks up significantly, the "dominoes" will fall and the U.S. economy will fall into recession in 2008. He was right, but not alarmed. "It is the nature of capitalism to periodically have recessions. People overshoot." (He told Becky she's young enough to expect to see 6 or 7 or them.)
The economic downturn takes its toll at the almost-empty Bayshore Town Center Mall in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

2. We'll survive current and future recessions just as we've survived past problems. As Buffett told us in August, 2007, (and repeated throughout 2008): "We've got a wonderful economy... There's never been anything like that in the history of the world. We live seven times better than the people did a century ago on average... We've had problems all along. If you look at the last century, we had that Great Depression and World War Two, we had the Cold War, we had the atomic bomb, but the country does well."

3. Recessions will create opportunities. "I made by far the best buys I've ever made in my lifetime in 1974. And that was a time of great pessimism and the oil shock and stagflation and all those sort of things. But stocks were cheap." Fast-forward to October, 2008, and Buffett's Why I'm Buying U.S. Stocks Now.

4. All stocks won't be cheap. Like Ted Williams waiting for the right pitch, a successful investor waits for the right stock at the right price, and it doesn't happen every day. "What’s nice about investing is you don’t have to swing at pitches. You can watch pitches come in one inch above or one inch below your navel, and you don’t have to swing. No umpire is going to call you out." You get in trouble, Buffett says, when you listen to the crowd chanting "Swing, batter, swing!"

5. The crowd will make mistakes. Buffett cites this piece of advice from his mentor Benjamin Graham: "You’re neither right nor wrong because other people agree with you. You’re right because your facts are right and your reasoning is right—and that’s the only thing that makes you right. And if your facts and reasoning are right, you don’t have to worry about anybody else."

6. Investors will mistakenly think falling stock prices are bad. "If they reduce the price of hamburgers at McDonald's today I feel terrific. Now I don't go back and think, gee, I paid a little more yesterday. I think I'm going to be buying them cheaper today. Anything you're going to be buying in the future, you want to have get cheaper."

Walt Disney (1950)
Cinderella rushes for the exit as midnight approaches

7. Good times will prompt bad decisions. In his 2000 Letter to Berkshire shareholders, Buffett compared the crowd that buys big when prices are high to Cinderella at the ball. "They know that overstaying the festivities - that is, continuing to speculate in companies that have gigantic valuations relative to the cash they are likely to generate in the future - will eventually bring on pumpkins and mice. But they nevertheless hate to miss a single minute of what is one helluva party. Therefore, the giddy participants all plan to leave just seconds before midnight. There’s a problem, though: They are dancing in a room in which the clocks have no hands."

8. There will be more dancing at another wild party followed by another painful hangover. Looking back at the Internet bubble, Buffett is quoted as saying, "The world went mad. What we learn from history is that people don’t learn from history."